

Baseball, Crew, Hockey Trophies Will Be Awarded--Harvard Club Will Give Banquet on February 4

Harvard athletes will fete Coach Dick Harlow for the first time tomorrow evening when the Varsity Club gives a dinner in his honor at the Clubhouse on Quinsy Street. Guests at the dinner will include present and former members of the Club as well as representatives from the College Faculty.

William Tudor Gardiner '14, member of the Board of Overseers and former Governor of Maine, will be toastmaster for the occasion. Speeches will be given by William, J. Bingham '16, Director of Athletics, Roger B. Merriman '96, Gurney Professor of History and Political Science and Master of Eliot House, and by J. Robert Haley '36, captain elect of football.

"We've Found the Man"

The subject of Bingham's speech will be "We've Found the Man" while Haley will talk on the topic "We Salute the Chief."

Awards for excellence in baseball, crew, and hockey will be given out at the dinner. The list of trophies to be awarded are as follows: in baseball, The Wingate Memorial Cup and the Barrett Wendell, Jr. Trophy; in crew, the Bruce Finlay Vanderveer Trophy; in hockey, the Angier Trophy and the John Tudor Memorial Hockey Cup.


On Monday, February 4, Harlow will be honored by the Harvard Club of Boston. Charles H. Watkins '09 is in charge of the arrangements, and he is assisted by Charles C. Buell '23, James F. Dwinell '02, Samuel M. Felton, 3rd, '13, Seth T. Gano '07, Joseph R. Hamlen '04, Dean Hanford, Leo H. Leary '05, Eliot T. Putnam, Jr. '29, and Ernest W. Soucy '16.
