
Varsity Malletmen Defeat Ranchers in First Victory

Jayvees Also Victors in Fast Game by Half-Point Margin

In a last chukker rally Captain Tommy Davis '35 slammed in two tallies to bring the Varsity polo team out on the top side of a 11-10 score in the game with Lyle Phillips' White Mountain Polo Ranchers, Saturday night at the Commonwealth Armory, for the Varsity's first win of the indoor season.

With Tommy Winmill '37 and Peter Jay '36 adding three points in the first period to the three goals acceded Harvard by their opponents, the Crimson riders galloped through on the top of the scoring throughout the game, although a foul by Davis, Harvard's high scorer, in the fifth chukker put his team on an even basis with the Ranchers for a space of three minutes.

Jayvees Victors by Half-Point

Playing together for the first time this season, the Gerry twins at 1 and 3, ably supported by Fred Ayer '37, who made his tanbark debut with the Jayvees, took a hotly contesting First Corps Area trio for a 4 to 3 1/2 win.

The summaries: HARVARD 11  POLO RANCH 10 No. 1, T. Winmill '37  No. 1, Jack Pickering No. 2, P. Jay '36  No. 2, Lyle Phillips No. 3, T. Davis '35,  Capt. No. 3, Joe Poor


Goals: Phillips 5; Davis, Poor 4; Jay, Pickering 3; Winmill 2. Fouls: Phillips, Poor 2; Winmill, Davis.


No. 1, E. Gerry '36 No. 1, Capt. Brooks

No. 2, F. Ayer '37 No. 2, Maj. Menoher

No. 3, H. Gerry '36 No. 3, Lt. Palmer

Goals: H. Gerry, Brooks, Palmer 2; E. Gerry, F. Ayer. Fouls: Palmer.
