
Midyear Examination Schedule Announced

The schedule printed below is not official. Students will be held responsible for meeting appointments in accordance with the official schedule posted on bulletin boards of College buildings. Failure to meet examination appointments will not be excused on the basis of deviation between official and unofficial printed schedules. All students are advised to examine official schedules before the examination period begins. A.C. Hanford.

MONDAY, JANUARY 28 (V) Chemistry 13  Mallinckrodt MD 23 Comp. Philology 1a  Sever 30 Economics 9a  Harvard 2 Economics 10a  Sever 30 English 10b  Sever 7 English 14  Sever 8 English 32  Memorial Hall Fine Arts 9a  Fogg Small Rm. Geography 14a  Geography Bldg. Geography 31a  Geography Bldg. Geology 10  Rotch Bldg. German 2 (see footnote*) Dr. Zipf, Sec. 5  Sever 36 German 26a  Sever 29 Government 21a  Sever 29 Greek A  Sever 32 Greek G (see footnote*) Prof. Jackson, Sec. 1  Sever 30 History 2a  New Lect. Hall History 8  New Lect. Hall History 54  Sever 35 Japanese 2  Sever 35 Latin B (see footnote*) Prof. Hammond, Sec. 4  Sever 17 Mathematics 12  Mallinckrodt MB23 Music 3  Music Bldg. Philosophy 12  Emerson A Physics B  Mallinckrodt MB9 Physics 1  Emerson D Physics 24a  Pierce 110 Psychology 24  Emerson 211 Scandinavian 2  Sever 35 Semitic 17a  Sever 35 Spanish 4 hf.  Sever 35 2 P.M. Fine Arts 3a  Van Rensselaer Rm. Geology 1 Adelsheim--Remick  Memorial Hall Reppun--Zurkow  New Lecture Hall TUESDAY, JANUARY 29 (XIII) Astronomy 3  Astron. Lab. Biology 115  Harvard 6 Chemistry B  Mallinckrodt MB9, MB23 Alter--Schmidt  Mallinckrodt MB9 Schnur--Zimmerman  Mallinckrodt MB23 Chemistry 6  Geological Lect. Rm. Chinese 2  Boylston 25 Class. Archaeology 1a  Sever 24 Comp. Literature 19  Sever 30, 35, 36 Adelman--Finer  Sever 30 Floyd--Miller  Sever 35 Morgan--Wylie  Sever 36 Economics 4a  Emerson D, 211 Ackerman--Porter  Emerson D Prins--Zdanowiez  Emerson 211 Economics 44  Sever 2 Engineering Sci. 8  Pierce 202 English 11a  Sever 7 English 39  Sever 29 Fine Arts 1a  Fogg Large Rm. Geography 34  Geography Bldg. German 8  Sever 8 German 9  Sever 29 Government 4  Sever 17 Greek B (see footnote*) Professor Gulick, Sec. 2  Sever 29 History 55  Harvard 5 History 61a  Emerson 211 Hist. of Religions 1  Harvard 6 Italian 1  Sever 6 Italian 10  Sever 24 Mathematics A VII (see footnote*) Dr. Whitney  Sever 13 Mathematics 2 III (see footnote*) Dr. Seidel  Sever 5 Mathematics 15  Sever 18 Mathematics 21  Sever 18 Mineralogy 8a  Geological Mus. 22 Paleontology 1a  Sever 23 Philosophy 16a  Emerson 27 Physics 28  Pierce 304 Psychology 9  Emerson 211 Sociology 7a  Emerson A Spanish 7  Sever 24 2 P.M. Economics A Dr. Abbott, Sec. H  Memorial Hall Mr. Baker, Sec. L, U  Memorial Hall Mr. Daly, Sec. V  Memorial Hall Dr. Davis, Sec. J  Memorial Hall Prof. Frickey, Sec. S  Memorial Hall Dr. Hoover, Sec. A  Memorial Hall Dr. Hunt, Sec. M  Memorial Hall Mr. Lamb, Sec. P, Q  Memorial Hall Dr. Oakes, Sec. D  Memorial Hall Dr. Ross, Sec. N, T  Memorial Hall Dr. Shaffner, Sec. E, G  New Lect. Hall Dr. Smith, Sec. F, W  New Lect. Hall Dr. Wallace, Sec. O  New Lect. Hall Dr. Walsh, Sec. B, C  New Lect. Hall Mr. Williamson, Sec. I, R  New Lect. Hall WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30 (X) French 28 hf  Memorial Hall Military Science 1  Memorial Hall Military Science 3  Memorial Hall Naval Science 1  Memorial Hall Naval Science 3  Memorial Hall 2 P.M. Engineering Sci. 3b  Robinson Annex

*Students are warned that they must take the examination in this course with the section with which they are officially enrolled. A student who takes the examination with the wrong section will lose credit for the course.
