Dick Harlow will return to Cambridge in two weeks to attend a testimonial dinner which the Varsity Club will give in his honor Thursday evening, January 31, Richard C. Floyd '11, president of the club announced last night.
On his second visit he will also be honored by the Harvard Club of Boston who will give a dinner for him on Monday, February 4. Charles H. Watkins '09 is in charge of the arrangements and he is assisted by Charles C. Buell '23, James F. Dwinell '02, Samuel M. Felton, 3d, '13, Seth T. Gano '07, Joseph R. Hamlen '04, Dean Hanford, Leo H. Leary '05, Eliot T. Putnam, Jr. '29, and Ernest W. Soucy '16.
At the Varsity Club dinner, five of the most important athletic trophies of the year will be awarded. They include the Wingate Memorial Cup and the Barret Wendell, Jr. Trophy for baseball, the Bruce Finlay Vanderveer Trophy for crew, and the Angier Hockey Trophy for crew, and the Angier Hockey Trophy and the John Tudor Memorial Hockey Cup for hockey.
Mr. Floyd also announced that the use of the club living room has been extended for meetings of any of the College athletic teams.
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