

Also Nominate Seven for Directors Both of Alumni Association and of Fund Council

Thirteen Harvard alumni were nominated yesterday to fill the five vacancies on the Board of Overseers that will occur this June. The candidates were selected by the Committee on Nominations of the Harvard Alumni Association, and the election will take place in the spring by postal ballot.

Seven nominees have also been chosen to fill the three vacancies that will occur in the Board of Directors of the Harvard Alumni Association, and another list of seven graduates has been chosen from which three will be elected to the Harvard Fund Council.

Nominated as Overseers are Bliss Perry (Hon. Litt.D. '25), Francis Lee Higginson, Professor of English, emeritus; George T. Moore '95, former President of the Associated Harvard Clubs; Francis M. Weld '97 Vice President of the Harvard Club of New York City; John F. Perkins '99; William R. Castle, Jr. '00, former Assistant Dean, former Undersecretary of State, former Ambassador to Japan.

Channing Frothingham '02, Director of the Alumni Association; Robert H. Gardiner '04, Class Treasurer; Herbert E. Winlock '06, Director of the Metropolitan Art Museum, New York; George W. Martin '10; Leverett Saltonstall '14, former Overseer, Speaker of the House; Roland L. Redmond '15; F. Higginson Cabot, Jr. '17, former Director of the Alumni Association; Henry S. Morgan '23, Overseer.

The graduates nominated for the Alumni Association are Graham B. Blaine 17, Henry V. Blaxter '05, Lawrence Coolidge '27, Seth T. Gano '07, Richard Inglis '03, Carl T. Keller '94, William G. Wendell '09.


Placed in nomination for the Fund Council were Winthrop W. Aldrich '07, Roger Amory '10, Charles E. Dunlap '11, William W. Fisher '04, Warwick P. Scott '23, Alfred Sutro '91, and Sydney M. Williams '94.
