In only two instances has the Central Committee used its authority to change the lists of candidates, selected by the House Masters for their Houses, states Dean Hanford in the second large section of his annual report, released yesterday.
One group of six men and another of five men have been re-alloted by the Committee in its two years of existence, to meet the best interest of the plan, the Dean explains. His report says, "the list as drawn up by the Masters were accepted practically intact, and the task of the Central Committee was confined largely to distributing the men who could not be cared for in the Houses for which they had expressed a special claim and those who had expressed no claim at all."
The Committee, composed of President Conant, Mr. Hanford, and Dean Leighton, has served as a "clearing center," leaving most of the initiative to the House authorities, who have the opportunity to act favorably on their applications, Mr. Hanford says. The Committee's task in his eyes is to maintain a check on distribution, although to be sure-groups of six or eight men are always permitted to enter a House together.
"In addition to data regarding the tutorial quotas of each House," says Mr. Hanford, of applicants who have not been selected. "The Central Committee had before it as guides in making assignments, tables showing the make-up of the Houses and also an analysis of the Freshman applications as to schools, Rank List groupings and possible fields of concentration. The list of tentative assignments as drawn up by the Central Committee was then turned over to the respective "Masters for final review. The distribution was carried out in such a way that approximately 80 per cent of the men could be tutored in their respective Houses."
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