Naval officials, according to newspaper dispatches, are "obviously pleased" with their part of a $702,000,000 budget request submitted by the President yesterday for the army and navy in the coming year. They plan to spend $140,000,000 next year in the construction of twenty-four vessels of war--one aircraft carrier, two light cruisers, six submarines, three heavy destroyers, and twelve light destroyers. The new ships will bring the United States up to treaty strength in accordance with the Vinson Act passed by Congress in the former session.
A true spirit of generosity marks the executive acts of Mr. Roosevelt. Our budget will increase the federal deficit to $4,869,000 this year, but the President is big enough to disregard that. With Midas-like magic, everything he touches turns to gold, and in this new gift to the admirals he has more than justified the epithet of "The Great Giver." Roosevelt can be sure that the United States Navy will be deeply appreciative of his munificence. Bigger and better battleships, more sailors, a new awakening of enthusiasm for the Navy are bound to result.
What we need, according to the patriots, is a navy that can "lick Japan." Franklin D. Roosevelt is not going to stand in anybody's way when it comes to building up such a navy. It will be almost impossible for the Treasury to bear the expense, of course, but what does that matter when such important things as "national honor" and "naval parity" are at stake.
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