Instances of college students working their way to Europe via cattle boat are not rare, but we'll wager no cases of college presidents shipping as ordinary seamen on cattle bats had been recorded until this summer when the president of New York City College made the experiment. True, he did it for fun-and fun he had. The food was good; and he was not once laid low by a belaying pin or a handspike.
Undoubtedly the learned scholastic acquired more real learning in his brief oceanic career than he could have in a longer time in the presidential chair and it makes you wonder now any man can call himself well-educated" until he has seen how the other fellow lives. If every captain of industry had to spend an occasional stretch in the ranks. If every Washington brain-truster had to earn his living for a time with his hands instead of his mouth, if every Phi Bete has to earn a portion of his college fees--how much better off all would be.
It would deflate many an "educated" man's ego to see how helpless he would be in a job he had hitherto considered beneath his dignity and calling. And definition of the age is one thing a college education does not at ways include. --The Daily Californian.
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