

Bang! Bang!

Carrying concealed weapons was such a common practice at the University of Arkansas (Fayetteville) in the early days that the faculty found it necessary to make a special ruling to force the students to leave their "shootin' irons" at home.

The first intercollegiate baseball game on record was played between Amherst College (Amherst, Mass.) and Williams College (Williamstown) on July 1, 1859. Score; Amherst, 73; Williams, 32.

Yoo Hoo!

Colorado Woman's College (Denver) in the only woman's college in the fifteen Rocky Mountain league states, an area of over two million square miles.


Gets the "Bird"

An "A. B." at the United States Military Academy (West Point, N. Y.) is not the honor it is at most institutions. "A. B." is cadet slang for area bird a cadet being disciplined by being obliged to walk punishment tours.

The most famous member of the first full four year course graduating class (1895) at Leland Stanford University (Leland Stanford, Cel) is ex-president Herbert Hoover. He still lives on the campus.

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