That was a wise plan which gave to the students of Wellesley College Monday, as a day of recreation.
Not a male teacher is employed in the college except in the art department, strange to say shocking as it may be to our vanity, the college succeeds, apparently, as well as it would under other circumstances.
A large number of men, over a hundred it is reported, failed to register at the proper time on Thursday.
As very few men have elected Roman Law 2 there is a great probability that the course will not be given during the coming year.
Mr. Macvene's course in constitutional history, numbered 2, is the most popular one in college, the number of men taking it being 173; the second in popularity is political economy 1, which was 141.
Mrs. Robie, 16 Oxford St., wishes to fill two club tables.
Billy Fraser, Light Weight Champion of New England, the popular teacher of sparring, will receive communications addressed to New Church Street, Somerville, Massachusetts.
Men that wish to try for English 12, will present themselves in Emerson D, Thursday, September 30, punctually at 2.30 o'clock. C. T. Copeland.
Memorial Hall will open tomorrow for the year with breakfast at 7.15 o'clock. The hours for meals will be as follows: breakfast 7.15 to 9.30; lunch, 12 to 1.30; dinner 5.30 to 7.30. Meals will be served on the American Plan at the guaranteed rate of $5.25 a week; and in addition a full extra order list will be maintained. As in the past allowance will be made for regular work and absences.
No student's outfit for college is complete without a Fountain Pen, and "Moore's" Non Leakable is the Pen to buy. Ask the boys who use them.
At the Herbarium a large fire-proof building is being constructed to serve as a place for the preservation of classified specimens. The structure will be completed by December 1.
At the publication office complete type-setting equipment has been installed and a modern two-revolution cylinder press has taken the place of the old drum press.
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