
Registration at Radcliffe

When the books were closed for Radcliffe's registration yesterday, the official total listed 976 students enrolled for the 1934-5 academic season. Of these all but 160 are undergraduates, but at least 100 more graduate scholars are expected to register before the end of the week.

This year's Freshman class has 189 members, while the Upperclasses have a combined total of 627. The formal opening ceremonies for the scholastic year were held yesterday morning in the First Church (Congregational). The speakers were Ada M. Comstock, president; Frances R. Jordan, Dean of the College; Bernice B. Cronkite, Dean of the Graduate School; and Mary S. Douglass of Brandon, Vermont, president of the Student Government Association.

Jessie C. Bourneuf, of Chestnut Hill, vice-president of the Association marshalled the undergraduates.
