
Boston Redskins Meet Massachusetts All-Stars Team Tonight In Preparation For Next Home League Game With Brooklyn

Six New Men Come Into Dietz Fold As Grid Mentor Hopes For Best Year In History

Turk Edwards, the tribe has a tackle considered the greatest that ever tred on a gridiron but now the 260-pound Edwards has a real running mate capable of playing brilliant football the entire 60-minutes of the game. The jovial Boswell of the campus is a terror in action and promises to be the outstanding line recruit of the 1934 professional season.

College Material

Coach Dietz, one of the keenest minds in the gridiron game, is firmly convinced that in the ambitious, rugged athletes from the smaller, lesser known colleges the best material for crack professional aggregations is to be found, and the shining example of Cliff Battles backs up his contention. Consequently, the Redskins mentor has made use of his wide acquaintance among the coaches of the country and brought under his wing some two dozen potentially great football players who are eagerly at work at Wayland. The aggressive spirit and enthusiasm of the squad angers well for its success this season under the astute tutelage of Lone Star Dietz.

The lone outstanding weakness of the Boston brigade a year ago was its lack of a good forward passer. Coach Dietz has more than made up for this single drawback, however, by signing a sextet of clever forward passers any one of whom appears capable of filling the bill to perfection. Five of these lossers hall from little known institutions but they have revealed already that they will add greater strength to the celebrated Boston offense. The sixth passer is the brilliant Pug Reniner of Northwestern one of the most widely known of modern football players and a great all-round stay who possesses-all the physical and mental qualities needed to scintillate in professional football.
