At last the wiles of the ever present New Deal are becoming apparent here in the secluded cloisters of Cambridge. The constant paying out of brain trusters to the gaping jaws of Washington is finally being bemoaned, now that the awful reckoning has at last arrived. The situation at the Law School has really become imminent apparently, for it was found today at registration that there were so few faculty members left to give the courses that a large number were in danger of being omitted. The conditions weren't so bad last year when only a few of the great men thought that the real manna was falling from Washington, but now that all the Government seems to be calling anyone down who is blessed with a few degrees the Harvard faculty is being sadly depleted.
Havoc reigned at Langdell Hall yesterday afternoon when the crafty students who had heard of the great migration to the banks of the Potomac began to quiz the powers that be as to those who were to deliver the real legal information. After much hunting about a few wringers were finally brought in who could give the courses in the required fashion, but left the poor struggling law students coming to drink the chalices of learning at the "world's greatest" rather against this new system of government which feels it necessary to take away the men who were hired, it was said, to teach them.
But apparently the legal geniuses that burn in Langdell prefer to offer their ideas to the government, perhaps in an effort to bring some order out of the chaos that rules our life. Sad Indeed is it to see our youth of today go without the teachings of the great, but, oh, perhaps it is more valuable for the masters to attempt to teach their findings to those who feel that brains, as such, can run a government.
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