


A chance for interested Sophomore and Juniors to enter the fertile field or college journalism will be offered by the CRIMSON during next week when the competitions for the four departments of the publication--news, business, editorial and photographic--will be opened with a meeting in the office of the President in the CRIMSON building at 14 Plympton Street.

With the opening of the competitions, officers of the University, roommates, parents and friends, will be once more harassed by that most curious of all animals the CRIMSON candidate. Heavy eyed yet eager, down-trodden yet enthusiastic, the CRIMSON candidate moves in his sleuthing steps throughout the huge domain of the University.

There is no more fascinating work for the man seriously interested, nor any work less enchanting for the associates of the charmed one. Sometimes lonely and forlorn, as when his story Peters out at the last moment, sometimes jubilant as when praise is lavished on him by the moguls for work on an assignment, the candidate often drags himself to bed weary with his troubles but nevertheless ready again in the morning to sense any item of importance in the day's events.

Harvard presents one of the most prolific fields for a man with journalistic ambitions and the CRIMSON competition is the "open Sesame" to the workings of the University. No better opportunity is offered for the man eager to learn of news before it is news, and sometimes even to make the news himself.

In the competition for the News Board the candidate is put through a routine not unlike that forced upon the cub reporter of the metropolitan paper. He has assignments and must carry them out. But the work is made interesting by the editors in charge and the duties are made as easy as possible.


In the Business Board competition, the candidate's chief duty is soliciting advertising and in the performance of this he learns the inside workings of the local and national business concerns.
