
Maintenance Department Makes Changes in Vacation

Eliot, Lowell Reradiatored, and Sever Restepped.

During the summer months the Maintenance Department has made by while the hot sun shone and among other things installed 101 nice new radiators in Eliot House. Last winter during the could snap there was much complaint among the Elephants of ill-heated rooms due to icy radiators and the Maintenance Department has in the fullness of time takes there strong measures to keep the Pachyderms warm. It has also smiled its paternal smile on the chilly Lowell House men to the tune of 55 radiators.

Beside these benevolent acts it has put fireproof walls all through Stoughton Hall and almost completed its sprinklerination of the sacred precincts. Nearly all the buildings in the Yard now have this valuable protection against fire, offering such unlimited opportunities to Freshman funsters.
