
The Crimson Playgoer

"The Count of Monte Cristo" Faithful And Interesting Adaptation of Dumas' Story

One of the few pictures made to follow the book even fairly closely, "The Count of Monte Cristo" as a film does a welcome justice to Dumas. In spite of the whispered query of the garrulous lady who came in during the prison scene, sat down behind your reviewer and with a sigh asked if this picture had anything to do with Dante's Inferno, the work of newcomer Robert Donta as Edmund Danta was refreshingly outstanding. Elissa Landi is as beautiful as ever though not very much in evidence.

The production has the ring of authenticity, the small details having been apparently well taken care of. Quite evident is the fact that the picture has been produced under the new "spotless" regime, there being nary a line that could bring even a blush to your grandmother's cheek. The nearest approach is by Mercedes (Elissa Landt) who, when in the course of a discussion of Dante's qualifications for marriage it was remarked that he "had no family", coyly retorted that she "would give him one".

The educational value of this classic which has been squeezed into an hour or so, is not to be lightly regarded. It brings to rushed people a knowledge of better literature, somewhat abbreviated to be sure, but better than a total ignorance. "The Count of Monte Cristo" is extremely absorbing entertainment and more films of its kind should be the rule rather than the exception. Highly recommended.
