The Crime appears regularly each week on the editorial page of the Crimson and contains whimsical tidbits to whet the literary appetite of the reader.
You can always learn from an Englishman the way things should be done. Harvard Clubs in America take note now with repeal and all. Don't be embarrassed when President Conant comes to call. Take a lesson from Johnny Bull.
The London Times of July 6 carried the following among its classified ads, printed in its peculiarly ancient type:
Harvard Club of London--Dinner to President Conant at Hotel Victoria, Northumberland Avenue, W. C. Tonight (Friday). All Harvard men invited. Tickets 10z.6d. (exclusive of wines).--Apply Secretary, 30 Lombard Street, E.C. Telephone, Mansion House 8301.
There you are, Harvard Clubs. Just charge them 10s.6d. (exclusive of wines) and soak them what you dare for the beverages.
* * *
Our foreign correspondent was on his toes this past summer and we can recommend the society which advertised only a few short lines beneath the foregoing. It should set your minds at rest and leave you hopeful even after the November Hour exams. It follows:
Do Not Risk Being Buried Alive, a danger which few people realize. Join the Society for the Prevention of Premature Burial.--Secretary, 30, Castenau Gardens, Barnes, S.W.13.
That indeed is a pleasant thought Who would believe that someone, somewhere in the world has felt just as we have when we received a curt little notice beginning, "We are aorry to inform you--". It's a small world.
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