
Lining Them Up

Can They Take the Pennant?

In the next 10 days Harvard has four Leagne baseball games to play. If the Mitchellmen take all four, they win the League pennant with a record of eight victories, three defeats, and one tie; if they drop one, Columbia nabs the banner. It's the 1934 Varsity's last chance to come out on top, and right now it's a fairly good one.

Two of those games are with Dartmouth, one at Hanover this Saturday, the other at Soldiers Field next Thursday; the remaining pair is the traditional Yale twin bill. Right now the Elis are down in the collar with a 250 average, but the Wild Indians look more impressive. Up to a month ago they were anyone's picking but lately they've gone on the warpath and taken five scalps while losing four of their own headpieces. That puts them in fourth place with a 556 mark, just below the Crimson's .571. If their war dance keeps up they have a chance of ending up in a tie for the top of the League with Columbia and possibly Cornell.

But if they do that Harvard's sunk. Mitchell's laddies haven't looked like a pennant winner most of this season, and this is going to be a pretty tough assignment. The Green is in somewhat the same boat as Harvard. Both teams have only one Grade A experienced pitcher. Here at Cambridge it's Captain Eddie Loughlin; up at Hanover it's Bob Miller, the fellow who took both halves of a doubleheader from Pennsylvania last week. With Miller carrying most of the assignment Dartmouth has turned in a dangerous record lately. Outside the League they've taken colleges like Swarthmore and Wesleyan, while in League games they lost a pair to Columbia by one run each in addition to their five wins. That means that if they were easy meat for Yale in a 9-3 defeat earlier in the year, they have reformed completely.

As for Yale, if the Varsity is booming then at the end of its battle with the Hanoverites, some one of those Elis is just as likely as not to spoil a perfectly good ball game by knocking out a home run in the last of the ninth with the bases loaded. People are always doing ridiculous things like that in Yale games. Rising to the crisis, you know. Then there's the additional problem of an acute pitcher's shortage. Loughlin will take care of one of the encounters and maybe pitch the next day also, up here in Cambridge. But if he has to do the twirling against Dartmouth twice and then carry the whole load against the Blue, especially on successive days, then Eddie is going to be very weary when he retires from Harvard baseball a fortnight hence.

If Loughlin doesn't get the call in all of these games, the question of trying to read Fred Mitchell's mind will again arise. The point is that when he is in a hole like this Mitchell loves to pull a surprise out of the bag. Perhaps he will try Drib Braggiotti, the Junior find, or perhaps it will be Fred Allan. Bill Lincoln is a third possibility. From the point of experience this year, Allan deserves the job, but Mitch is entirely capable of sending in the comparatively inexperienced Braggiotti, who is the chief prospect for next year. What's more, Mitch is entirely capable of winning on his surprise choice. By TIME OUT.
