For many years we have maintained that something should be done to protect the poor innocent Freshman from the clutches of solicitors for subscriptions, laundry, and pressing contracts. A great deal of suffering has been caused by this ardent desire for business.
One young man was met by a rather forceful fellow at the gate of Memorial Hall after registering in September. After much talking the luckless first year man agreed to sign a contract to have forty pieces pressed during the year. Not for a while did he realize his mistake. Then he discovered that having only one suit to his name, he would be unable to sent it out. He didn't dare try out his pink pajamas on Professor Merriman, having heard of the latter's strict ideas about comportment.
Not all our merry undergraduates are enthuslastic about those changes in exams, probation, and attendance that the College has made. Possibly they are a bit too Bolshevistic. Anyway, the following remark was made by an apparently abused oarsman the other day: "Say, I'm going to sue the College before they have nothing but a few optional lectures to offer a guy. These days a fellow has got to get his money's worth."
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