Herbert Chevalier Haseltine: A son of Harvard, a master of the art of sculpture who has given the world a unique record of the beauty of domestic animals.
John Douglas Merrill: During many years of selfless labour a patient and devoted interpreter of this University to the alumni.
Thomas Hunt Morgan: A renowned zoologist whose experimental skill and penetrating insight have laid bare the mechanism of heredity.
Charles Ferdinand Martin: A leader of Canadian medicine, an administrator who has developed brilliantly a distinguished medical school.
Charles Culp Burlingham: A disinterested champion of good government who for more than fifty years has used his talents for the benefit of his fellow citizens.
Tyler Dennett: Notable biographer and historian, learned adviser of our Department of State, the President-elect of Williams College: we welcome him to New England.
Edward Lee Thorndike: Educational psychologist, the foremost American pioneer in developing those new types of measurement which supplement our older forms of examination.
Harold Willis Dodds: Distinguished for his services in the realm of public affairs, the new President of a sister university whose past we admire and whose future is assured by his leadership.
Abbott Lawrence Lowell: For twenty-four years our resolute captain who enlarged and deepened the life of this University and preserved untainted the vitalizing spirit of liberty.
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