

Rain Interferes With Many Reunions But Fair Weather Is Promised for Today

The class reunions, headed by the extravaganza of the Class of '09, celebrating its 25th anniversary, get under full swing today as the returning alumni participate in the Class Day exercises.

From 7.30 o'clock in the morning until midnight the '09ers have a full program to carry out, including sports in the morning, the march to the Stadium in the early afternoon, and the Class Spread in Kirkland House in the evening.

At 9.30 o'clock in the morning all athletically inclined members of the 25th class will gather on Soldiers Field for a program of field sports. These events will be supplemented by a swimming meet for fathers and sons in the swimming pool of the New Athletic Building at 10.15 o'clock.

Parade to Stadium

Following the buffet luncheon in Eliot House at high noon, the class will form for the parade at the Stadium in front of Kirkland House and from there the men will march down Boyl- ston Street, across the bridge and seat themselves on the turf of the Stadium for the Ivy Oration and the other Stadium exercises.


After the baseball game to class will return to Kirkland House where the Class Spread will be held, followed by dancing until midnight.

Rain interfered with most of the events on the programs of the numerous reunions yesterday, but many classes journeyed out of town for dinners and informal gatherings. The Class of 1924, after registering in the Hotel Continental, left for Dedham, where a program of sports was scheduled. The Class of 1899 met at the Business School and then on by automobile to the South Shore Country Club at Hingham.

The pageantry of the reunions comes today when the classes appear in their distinctive uniforms in the Stadium The Class of 1924, clad in Tyrolean costumes, is expected to furnish color for the parade.

The Class of 1904 met in the Harvard Club in the morning and then travelled to the Nahant Club. The fiftieth anniversary of the Class of 1884 was held without the benefit of sports, Instead the members met for tea at the Chilton Club in the afternoon. Headquarters for this class are at the Hotel Victoria
