

Nazi to Be Given Ordinary Reception Similar to That of Any Well-Known Graduate of Harvard

The Europe, fastest-ship afloat, today has covered nearly half of the distance between Cherbourg and New York bearing in one of its staterooms Adolph Hitler's Foreign Press Agent, Ernst F. Sedgewick Hanfstaengl '09, who decided at the last minute to attend the 25th reunion of his class which will be held here next week.

Hanfstaengl, who apparently had missed his last chance of catching the last ship that would bring him to America in time for the reunion, stowed away on a mail-plane and climed aboard the Europa just in the nick of time.

Harvard officials, when word of Hanfstaengl's attendance at the class reunion was confirmed, stated that he would receive the same welcome as any other member of the Class of 1909 returning to the 25th reunion. Although no definite announcement has been made concerning the protection from demonstrations and violence that Harvard would furnish Hanfstaengl, it was understood that certain precautionary measures will be taken.

A detail of secret-service men from Washington will be assigned to guard the distinguished foreign visitor from attempts at violence.

At Cherbourg when he left for America, Hanfstaengl answered to reporters' queries concerning the purpose of his trip, that "I am a Harvard Alumnus who is going to rejoin his fellow alumni. I have no mission and no interest except to revisit cherished places and friends."


Decision in the matter of the scholarship, which Hanfstaengl gave to Harvard only a few days ago, was held up until officials can have a conference with Hitler's righthand man.

Drastic punishment will be handed out to any student who attempts to disturb the peace of Hanfstaengl's reunion, authorities made known yesterday. Mem bers of the N. S. L. and other anti-Nazi organizations had not last night registered any concerted protest at the latest turn of events but merely mentioned that the jurisdiction of the College would not cover the events of next week. In that case any violence would be handled by the city police.

Reports were broadcast last night that members of the Yale Record, in retaliation for the theft of the Bulldog were plotting to kidnap Hanfstaengl on his way to Cambridge.Cut Courtesy of the Boston Post.Nazi Official In 1909 and Today
