

Three to be Assistants in Department of English, Two in Chemistry, and Two Will be Research Fellows

Eleven appointments for the year 1934-35 were announced last night at University Hall. Three of the new men will act as assistants in the department of English, two in the Department of Chemistry, two will be Research follows, and the rest will be assistants in various departments.

The list is as follows:

Carleton Abramson Chapman, 1G, of Groveton, N. H., to be Assistant in Petrography. S.B. Univ. of New Hampshire, 1933.

Daniel Snell Eppeisheimer, of Middletown, Ohio, to be assistant in Metallurgy. S.B. in Engineering 1932. Graduate student in Engineering School 1933-34.

Malcom Hayden Hebb, of Vancouver, B. C., Canada, to be Assistant in Physics. A.B. Univ. of Brit. Col., 1931; 1931-34 at Univ. of Wis.


Frederic William Ilfeld, of Las Vegas, New Mexico, to be Assistant in Epidemiology at the School of Public Health. A.B. 1928; M.D. 1932; 1932-33, House officer at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston; 1933-34 House officer at the Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio.

Elmore Louis Martin, 1G, of Pratt, Kans., to be Assistant in Chemistry, A.B. Univ. of Wichita, Kans., 1933; S.M. ibid. 1933.

Charles Burdette Moke, 3G, of Youngstown, Ohio, to be a Research Fellow in Industrial Hygiene. A.B. College of Wooster, Ohio, 1931.

Myron Prinzmetal, of Los Angeles, Calif., comes to the Harvard Medical School as a Research Fellow in Medicine. A.B. Univ. of California, 1928; A.M. Univ. of California, School of Medicine, 1931; M.D. ibid., 1933.

Horace Mason Reynolds, 5G, of Cambridge, Mass., to be Assistant in English. A.B. 1919; A.M. 1923.

Otto Eugene Schoen-Rene, of New York, N. Y., to be Assistant in English. A.B. 1930. Taught at St. Mark's School 1931-33.

Elijah Swift, Jr., 2G, of Burlington, Vt., to be Assistant in Chemistry. A.B. 1932; A.M. 1933.

David Worcester, of Boston, Mass., to be Instructor in English and Tutor in the Division of Modern Languages. A.B. Hobart 1929; A.M. Harvard 1930; Ph.D. Feb., 1934.
