
Funny Fellows Futile Fake Fails In Final Phase of Ferocious Fight

This Morning's Sheet Marks Last Independent Lampoon Publication

Chafing under the humiliating realization that they are about to become a subsidiary of the CRIMSON, some of the more irresponsible editors of the Lampoon Board are making a last desperate bid for their freedom this morning. It is not the Crimson-Lampoon parody of the Daily Record which our readers will see today but a nondescript satire on the old CRIMSON competitor, The Harvard Herald.

Four pages, battering with the ineffectiveness of pop pistols against the stury fortress of Namur, represent the hysterical attempt of our brethren to shake off the "irons of serfdom". Using for a criterion the old Harvard Herald which subsided into silence in 1883, the prevailing tone of the issue represents not only the spirit of a by-gone era but also the general effect of a much used trick.

Besides the story which tells of the "foiled CRIMSON attempt" and an editorial to the same effect, Lowell House receives gratuitously free publicity for their dance and the H. A. A. is threatened with drastic reorganization along the lines of N. Y. U. Humor is sought through the time-worn device of placing incorrect head over a story and the final brilliant touch is the review of the Crimson-Lampoon parody by Robert K. Lamb '28.

At a special meeting of the CRIMSON Board this morning, it was decided that since the spirit of the issue seems to come from the candidates, no action will be taken.
