
Announce Ushers for Lowell Spring Dance

Keith C. Steele '35, chairman of the Lowell House Dance Committee, announced last night that a majority of the tickets for the dance to be held in the dinning hall and common room on Friday have been sold. Tickets will remain on sale until 200 couples and 100 stag tickets are sold. The prices are $4.50 and $2.50. Should any tickets be left the day of the dance they will be sold at the main gate for $5 and $3. Flannels or linen suits are preferable dress with any informal dress acceptable.

The following men will usher at the dance featuring Ozzie Nelson and his Columbia Broadcasting Orchestra with Harriet Hilliard; Frederick J. Bertolet 2L, Wallace L. Pierce '35, Andrew G. Webster '36, Charles S. Houston '35, Robert C. Creel '34, Philip M. Tucker '34, Richard C. Boys '35, Theodore H. Sheafe '36, William P. Haskell '36, Gardner E. Prouty '36, George B. Lauriat '36, William B. Tabler '36, J. Stanley Lang '36, Carl J. Vilter '35, James W. Tower '35, Donald B. Bates '35, Elwood K. Salls '34, John D. Kernan '34, George H. Damon '34, Donald S. Carmichael '35, Elliott K. Shapira '35, Frank E. Wood '35
