
Track Team Leaves Tonight For Dual Meet at Princeton

Chances for Tomorrow Look Bright as 23 Men Are Chosen

Eager to disappoint a hungry Tiger, the track team departs tonight by boat to take part in the dual meet at Princeton tomorrow. With the decisive triumph last weekend in the Greater Boston Intercollegiates, the chances of the 23 men whom Coach Eddie Farrell has chosen to make the trip-look better than they have yet this spring.

In addition Eddie Calvin, incapacitated so far this spring, will run the dashes. The others going are: Captain John M. Morse '34; Anthony Bliss '36, Robert S. Brookings '35, Norman L. Cahners '36, John H. Dean '34, Robert C. Hall '36, Alfred B. Hallowell '34, Wyndham L. Hasler '34, John J. Hayes '34, Richard C. Hayes '36, John J. Healey, Jr. '34, Howard W. Huntington '34, Chester K. Litman '35, Thomas F. Locke '35, Robert S. Playfair '36, Luther Scheffy '35, John P. Scheu '35, Francis Schumann '35, Allen E. Wahlgren '34, John B. White '34, Charles F. Woodard '35, and John B. Woodberry '35.
