

Lowell and Leverett Also Qualify for House Races Wednesday--Two Second Crews Race

The crews of Phillips Brooks and Kirkland Houses led the way in their respective heats in the qualifying trials for the Agassiz Cup race which will be held on the Henley course next Wednesday afternoon. Lowell and Leverett were the other eights to qualify but a meeting of the crew managers this afternoon may make some changes since the Adams crew, although third in its heat, covered the course more quickly than Kirkland by about seven seconds.

In the first heat all four crews kept together for the first half mile but the superior weight of the other eights was thereafter instrumental in causing Dunster to be left behind. Because of their semi-varsity standing the Brooks crew were using a varsity shell, and had the advantage of varsity coaching and of better medical supplies while the other outfits were using equipment from the Weld boathouse. But they showed that such attention had been justified by doing the Henley distance, a mile and five-sixteenths, in seven minutes and ten seconds.

Kirkland led the second heat by half a length at the finish and was followed over the line by Leverett, Eliot, and Winthrop each about the same distance apart. There was some dispute among the judges as to the third and fourth places but the opinion in the coaching launches seemed to be that the Elephants were ahead. Kirkland went over the course in 7.22.

A third heat, to be composed of Eliot, Kirkland, and Lowell second crews was defaulted by Lowell, and Eliot came in three seconds ahead of the Kirkland seconds.
