
Freshmen Win Slow Lacrosse Game From Green Tech Team

Carter and Bounakes Score Three and Two Goals Respectively

In a slow and sloppy game yesterday the Freshman lacrosse team easily defeated an inexperienced M. I. T. team 7-2. As it was the Tech men's first game of the season, they furnished little opposition for the Crimson men who used their second team most of the time. John A. Carter and Nicolas J. Bounakes led the Harvard scoring with three and two goals respectively. The next game will be played tomorrow afternoon with the strong Boston Lacrosse Club seconds. HARVARD  M.I.T. Fernald, g.  g. Thomson Rowe, cp.  cp., Rutherford Glodt, cp.  p., Athusdjian Witherspoon, 1d.  1d., Savel Pepper, 2d.,  2d., Smedly Thompson, e.  e., Fritk Rubinow, 2a.  2a., Gleason Carter, 1a.  1a., de Raiemes Levey, ch.  ch., Gidley Bounakes, ih.  ih., Levy

Substitutions: Harvard: Furdy, Keller, Diamond, Ford, Haristone. Wood. Salant.

M. I. T.: Maretk, R. de Raimes, Jacobs. Sherry.

Goals: Harvard; Carter 3, Bounakes 3, Bartatone, Rubinow; M.I.T.; Gidley. Fritz.
