respiration, circulation, metabolism, acid-base balance, water balance, heat regulation, cardiac performance, excretion, blood gas transport, and subjective responses in rest and in work of varying intensity. Continuous observation will be made, but especially detailed programmes will be carried out at sea level, 5,000 feet, 11,000 feet, 14,500 feet, 17,500 feet, 19,500 feet, and the same stations coming down. As much as possible will be done at altitudes greater than 20,000 feet.
The Advisers to the Expedition are: Professor Joseph Barcroft, Cambridge, England; Dr. Hellinut De Terra, Yale University; Lawrence J. Henderson, professor of Biological Chemistry; Earnest A. Hooton, Professor of Anthropology; Professor August Krogh, Copenhagen University; Professor Alfred Redfield, Harvard University; Dr. Donald D. Van Slyke, Rockefeller Institute.
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