Winding up a season's gruelling practice upon their secret practice field behind their palatial Plympton Street Clubhouse and training quarters, the CRIMSON Varsity nine yesterday announced itself ready for the annual descent to the minors to play ball with their funny rivals down street, who for want of another name have take upon themselves the title of Lampoon.
Professor Hotcombe for so many years say. Bert, this is the wrong story. Well, at any rate the CRIMSON has completed a long practice session and looks forward to little difficulty with their poor rivals who profess to know the manly art. In order that the score will not be too one sided, as it always is, the Command at the CRIMSON hideout for the past few days has been that the boys need not go into their annual spring training. And, what a sight the building has been for these past few days, what a sight!
Yesterday's practice was somewhat hindered by the insubordination of some any who said he was Dammaun and who we think is our Business Manager: yes, we are sure now, he has just told us not to make so many telephone calls. Dammaun, it seems just wouldn't play because he couldn't be catcher. but we fixed that up, and although he may be allowed to watch the game.
On a neighboring plot the younger CRIMSON nine was practicing: our cubs as we affectionately call them. They were getting along in splendid fashion with a large crowd watching them whom suddenly a little urchin standing near third base called out: "Hey give us back our ball and bat. We wanna play by ourselves." Our men tested out some reserve who said his name was Morison but they were not satisfied and kept asking for their bat. This was finally returned to them and then the whole crowd suddenly disappeared.
With the exception of the team of May 1911 it is understood that the CRIMSON team has never looked better and when they all passed out in review last night a hushed awe feel upon the crowd as every one present (well this line will have to go languished they're calling for copy and the space is all filled up.)
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