
Procreation Prohibition?


Want to know what to do about crime?

Dr. Sheldon Glueck, professor of criminology at Harvard University, went out to Kansas City and made a speech to the National Probation Association. Research, said Dr. Glueck has yielden certain clues which must be followed if we are to catch delinquency young.

What do these clues the doctor has found tell us to do?

Dr. Glueck says they "call for a more effective control of marriage and for eugenical measures in the way of sound and safe sterilization of extremely unfit parents and the giving of professional advice regarding contraception."

There, wrapped neatly in a bundle, are the pet theories of some of our most advanced thinkers. Can these remedies do what the Ten Commandments have failed to do?


Before embarking officially upon any campaign of eugenics, sterilization and birth control, may we suggest that upon a ballot be placed the names of the leading thinkers who will decide who shall and who shall not have off-spring? It is just barely possible that somebody who Dr. Glueck might believe should not have children, might himself by just low-down and ornery enough to think that Dr. Glueck should not reproduce. And we know too much that is good about Dr. Glueck to agree to any such proposal. --Boston Traveler
