
Dartmouth Easily Defeats Varsity Lacrosse Men, 6-3

Halvorsen Is Green's Chief Threat as He Scores Three Goals

Playing an irregular game the Varsity Lacrosse team lost to Dartmouth Saturday at Hanover by the score of 6 to 3. Halversen proved a constant worry to the Crimson men and scored three times.

The summary:   HARVARD  DARTMOUTH Howard, g.  g., Shea Rogers, p.  p., Frankel Allen, Holsapple, c.  c., Rosenburg Whitemore, f.d.  f.d., Hinman Holsapple, Rabinovita, s.d.  s.d., Britten, Lieber Warwick, Edmunds, c.  c., Knott Mattox, Murphy, sa.  sa., Allen Bosworth, Lessig, f.a.,  f.a., Halversen Fields, Housen, o.h.  o.h., McMullen Littlefield, England, i.h.  i.h., Hockel, Millard

Scoring: first half, Halversen (D), 3:40; Halversen (D), 24:00 Halversen (D), 25:00: second half, McMullen (D), 4:16; England, 8.30: Lessig, 9:30; est (D), 19:15; Allen (D), 27:50; total, Harvard 3, Dartmouth 6. Penalties: Rosenburg (E), Bosworth, England, Warwick, Fields. Time: 15 minute quarters, Referee: McDaniel (Johns Hopkins).
