
News from the Houses

Deacons Manage Win Over Wily Puritans

Deeb Peter's circuit clout with three men on base in the last half of the last inning overcame the Puritan's 5-1 lead and gave the Deacons a base 6-5 win, thus allowing them to continue serenely along their way at the top of the League with an unscathed record, in one of the House ball games staged yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field

The Winthrop men played stellar ball during the first six innings of the tile, going into the last of the seventh with a comfortable lead, but the homer by Peter and errors on the part of the Puritans suddenly threw them out on the short end of the score. Norman Letarie, Winthrop's biggest swatter, chalked up another home run for himself in the seventh.

In the Gold Coast-Rabbit game Johnny Hallett's home run brought a 4-0 victory for the Gold Coaster. The summary: Score--Kirkland 6, Winthrop 5. KIRKLAND  WINTHROP Sieman, 2b.  ss., Crampton Peter, cf.  3b., Letarie Parker, 1f.  2b., Randall Caley, rf.  1b., Bittenbender Christophe, 3b  lf., Emery Powell, 1b.  ef., Leon Moweley, ss.  p., Baker Donnelley, Robinson, c.  c. Egan Wells, p.  rf., McDonald
