
H.Y.P. Debate Scheduled In Cambridge, New Haven

Speakers Argue Tonight in Annual Word Battle

Debating on the question, "Resolved, That modern science has made the world a happier place," six representatives of the Harvard Freshman Debating Council will participate in the annual Harvard, Yale, Princeton Freshman debate tonight. In accordance with the mechanism of this traditional debate a Harvard team defending the negative will be hosts to a Princeton trio, while an affirmative team will travel to Yale.

The Harvard men who will meet Princeton at 7.30 o'clock tonight in the Union are Harold W. Danser, Jr., Thomas W. Stephenson, and Hubert A. Nexon. The team travelling to Yale consists of Bennett Frankel, W. Tucker Dean, Jr., and John A. O'Keefe.

The winner of the T. Jefferson Coolidge prize of twenty five dollars, which is awarded each year to the Freshman who gives the best speech at the triangular debate trials, will be announced following the completion of the debate.
