Sitting quietly in a corner of the dance hall puffing at a cigarette, the petite Harriet Hilliard, factfully dressed in a blue dress which well showed off her calmy, self controlled face chatted along about her life and contacts in a very amiable manner. "I like really her music, though you might not think so, such as that played by Cab Calloway or any other colored orchestra. All the big orchestra leaders, Ozzie included, like the jazz played by negroes. Such a tune as 'Christmas Night at Harlem' is my idea of a really good piece.
At also like what we call 'musicians' tunes such as 'III Wind' or 'Night and Day.' Anything which is very popular always bores me after the first few nights, however."
So Miss Hilliard talked along under the spell of the clock glow of the clock tower of Lowell House last night at the Spring dance where she was appearing with Ozzie Nelson and his band. In an atmosphere of revolving rainbows, a giant turning fly-wheel, and a crowd of dancers, she seemed very austere and calm, even when a large black cat had to be forcibly removed from the assembly.
"We have played at all the 'Big-Game' colleges of the east this spring, that in Harvard, Yale, and Princeton," continued Miss Hilliard, "but I wouldn't dare compare the boys at the three Universities; they are all very nice. I think Lowell House is particularly attractive however, and it remind me of a large movie set.
"I started out on the stage in the Keith Boston cicuit and we really worked hard in those days. Then I played with various other companies until I was
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