
1937 Nine Defeated 11-9 by Hard-Hitting St. John's Prep

Seven Runs Scored by Visitors in First Two Frames

Blowing up in the first two innings and allowing the St. John's team to tally seven runs the Freshman nine was defeated 11-9 yesterday for the second time this season by the Danvers outfit.

After their bad start, the 1987 team buckled down to play airtight ball for the last seven frames. A homer in the eighth by McTernen brought in four runs to make the score 10 to 9. Things looked bright for a few minutes, but in the ninth the visitors managed to bring in one more run.

Dick Walsh pitched the full game and showed up fairly well, although his arm was bothering him part of the time. Frank Owen was batting for another .750 average, the second in two successive games. George Blackwood was back again at the catcher's position.
