

Shades of Ann Pennington, of the beautiful legs, will hover over the austere halls of Lowell House on May 11, when the gorgeous Harriet Hilliard comes to grace the spring dance.

La Pennington, for the benefit of the uninitiated, was more than proud of her boast that she was the only female who had slept in all of Harvard's cloisters. Her final triumph, of course, was the dip in Westmorely's glorified bathtub. But who is Ann Pennington to boast now?

For Harriet is going a step farther. She will have official recognition of her presence and no less a person than Julian Lowell Coolidge, Master of Lowell House, will be her host.

Professor Coolidge has invited Ozzie Nelson's songbird to break bread with him in the Master's Lodging before the dance. Whether Professor Coolidge has learned his lesson from Ann Pennington's boast or whether he wants to find out if Miss Hilliard would appreciate a swimming pool in Lowell House, is a meet question. In any event, Professor Coolidge should be remainded that guest permission is secured through the head tutor, Mr. Benson, and if he does not allow the 10 o'clock limit, he will be cutting off his nose to spite his face.

The H.A.A. was in quite a stew yesterday. For the one and only Eddie Morris, announcer par excellence, had betaken himself off to Washington and left the announcing job at the G.B.I. meet to take care of itself. No one knows just why the inimitable Morris went to Washington but Dame Rumor hath it that he's going on the stump for General Hugh Johnson.


So the H.A.A. had no announcer for the meet. Every solution, from Joe Humphries to Cliff Jackson, was offered but none seemed to fit. Finally in desperation, Carroll Getchell solved the matter in a trice. Mrs. McCallum in the Employment Office was called and instructed to send over three or four students with harsh powerful voices. Latest advices do not indicate whether or not she had found qualified applicants but when they finally do appear, the Stadium will be treated to a hog-calling contest. Led by Mr. Getchell, the trio will troup down to Soldiers Field and howl till the colonnades ring. The winner, who succeeds in rattling the seats in the press-box, gets the job.
