Ruby Newman and his 10-piece orchestra will furnish the inspiration for the Kirkland House annual spring dance to be held on Friday, May 11, from 9 to 2 o'clock, it was announced last night by Branford P. Millar '35, chairman of the dance committee.
Tickets for the affair; which is restricted to members of the House and their personal guests, will go on sale Monday. Supper will be served at midnight. The dining room will be converted into a lounge and together with the common room and terrace will be decorated under the direction of Robert Gardner-Medwin.
Mrs. Edward A. Whitney, wife of the Master, has been chosen as head patroness, while the remainder will be announced later together with the list of ushers. The entertainment committee in charge of the dance, in addition to Millar, is made up of George VanD. Comfort '36, Shaun Kelley '36, Douglas C. Scott '35, and Herbert N. Stevens '35.