

English 31

"English Composition"

Mr. De Voto tells his first class that those present are expected to get B's, otherwise they wouldn't have been chosen for the course. The C which rolls around at November may, therefore, dishearten the hopeful author and considerably deflate his ego. He will discover, however, that Mr. De Voto's bark is worse than his bite. Despite the wilting comments which decorate his themes the student will find his marks gradually improving, as he learns to purify his technique and eliminate errors of syntax which would, to quote an average comment, "disgrace a student in English A."

The demands of the course are fairly heavy. During the first half-year 3000 words are called for bi-weekly; after mid-years, when a fragmentary novel is usually attempted, the requirements are boosted to 4000 words. Most of the criticism is written on the returned themes; the class room periods are devoted to interesting and profitable discussions of contemporary literature. Here too, Mr. De Voto knows his ground and manages to relate the material under discussion with the course work. These informal discussions give the student an opportunity to air his views on almost any subject; views which will be eagerly received by the head of the course, especially if they are in contradiction to his own.

English 31 is highly recommended to those with any skill in writing. If genius is present it will soon be brought out; but even if the spark is missing, the year will not be wasted, for the marking is eminently fair, and the general knowledge of writing which is accumulated will be helpful in any field of future activity.
