
New York Rugby Club Bows To Fighting Crimson Teams

Varsity Wins 9 to 0 and Jayvees Score 12 to 5 Victory

Playing a smashing game and redeeming an earlier defeat of the season, the Varsity Rugby team decisively defeated the New York Rugby Club Saturday at New York by the score of 9 to 0. Not to be outdone, the Jayvee team outpointed the New York Jayvee team, 12-5.

The Crimson Varsity showed power from the very start and held the ball in the opponents' territory during most of the first half. However, the backs did not gain possession of the ball enough to tally, and the only score came from two excellent penalty kicks by Don Meiklejohn. The second half was more closely contested and the only score was made when Hans Swyzer followed up well to touch down for a try.

An attempted rally by the New Yorkers near the end of the game was easily checked by the Crimson men.
