
Freshman Nine Gains Close Victory Over Exeter, 3 to 1

Bilodeau Retires Last Batter in Ninth Inning To End Rally

Backed by a small but enthusiastic crowd of onlookers, the Freshman baseball team triumphed over a strong Exeter outfit by a score of 3-1 on Soldiers Field Saturday afternoon. Dick Walsh held down the pitcher's mound for the 1937 outfit for eight innings and struck out six men. In the final inning of the game Tommy Bilodeau was called in to finish off the last man. There were two outs and a man on first and third; Bilodeau tossed two balls, and on the second, Barnicle, the batter, popped out to end the game.

This defeat for the Exeter squad was the first one suffered since 1932; it had won 15 consecutive games since that time.
