

Wood Appointed Deputy Treasurer Succeeding Lowes -- Three Other Elections Are Announced

Samuel Flagg Bemis, professor of history at George Washington University since 1924, has been appointed lecturer in history to give History 13 next year in the absence of James Phinney Baxter, 3rd, who will go to Washington the first half of next year to gather material preparatory to publishing a volume concerning Anglo-American relations from 1861 to 1872. Professor Bemis will take over Professor Baxter's tutorial work in the latter's absence.

Bemis received his doctor's degree from Harvard in 1916 and after teaching at Colorado College and Whitman College he became a research associate of the Carnegie Institution. In 1923 he was awarded the Knights of Columbus prize for the best historical book of the year by an American college professor with a study of Jay's Treaty, and in 1926 he won the Pulitzer prize in history for a book on Pinckney's Treaty. Charles H. Taylor, assistant professor of History, will act as master of Adams House for the first half of next year.

John Hasbrouck Van Vleck has been elected associate professor of mathematics and physics. He received his master's and doctor's degree in 1921 and 1922 from Harvard and after serving as an instructor here for a year he became professor of Physics at the University of Minnesota and since 1928 he has been professor of theoretical physics at the University of Wisconsin.

Leonard Opdycke '17, lecturer on Fine Arts, has been appointed assistant professor of Fine Arts for three years. He graduated summa and received his master's degree in 1920, and has acted as tutor, instructor, and lecturer here since that date.

Other elections announced were:


Alfred Rehder, curator of the herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum since 1918 as associate professor of dendrology, and Henry A. Wood, Jr. '24, as deputy treasurer to fill the place left vacant by the election of John W. Lowes '19 as financial vice-president of the College.
