
So the Story Goes . . .

Normie Cahners may spring a surprise on Coach Eddie Farrell and turn out to be a sprinter instead of a weight tosser. He ran against Bob Brookings this week and came from four yards behind at 15 yards to win at the end of 50 by more than 10 yards.

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By the way, Farrell is priming Chet Litman for the 220 low hurdles against Princeton on Saturday, May 5. Litman has been working overtime by running through plays with Coach Casey et spring football and if he takes wings on the cinders he should be able to help out with the backfield situation next fall. Chet has always confined himself to the good earth and it will be a new experience leaping the barriers.

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One Freshman that the football coaches are keeping their eyes on is Henry (Mike) Adlis, big blond tackle on the Freshman team. He's a certain comer according to the best dope and he will undoubtedly be found in one of those open tackle positions next fall. They say he is a dead ringer for his brother Mike who was captain of boxing not so long ago.


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While on the subject of football, it's a wonder that some kindhearted H.A.A. official wouldn't contribute about two feet of elastic for the legs of Eddie Casey's pants. He never rolls them up and he certainly looks like pictures of a star halfback of 1900.

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And then, of course, there is the story of the eight crew men who journeyed to Boston the other night and decided that R.K.O. Keith's had the best offering. Pocketbooks squeaked as they dug out the necessary forty cents for a seat in the balcony. Once they got inside there wasn't anybody in sight so they majestically strode into the boxes. The smallest one of the bunch was 6 feet, 3 1-2 inches, weighing 185 pounds, and the poor little usher who came to investigate the rumpus quailed before the towering height of the giants. So they stayed right where they were--in the boxes for forty cents.

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Umpire Kelleher, behind the plate last Saturday, had a real mouthful when be announced Hovenanian batting place of Braggiotti. And the little fellow, who looks even smaller in a baseball suit than a hockey uniform, lest about two more feet when he ducked for one of Blanche's fast ones.

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Somebody should tip off Eddie Earrell. He's got plenty of brass to have two high hurdlers with the name Hayes on his squad. If there isn't something done about it pretty soon, Johny will get credit for Dick's work and vice versa.
