

Meeting To Include Socialist, Pacifist, Bi-Naval, Communist, and League of Nations Speakers

The Harvard Liberal Club, reversing advance information on their intended stand, last night voted to join with the National Students League and the League for Industrial Democracy, out-and-out Communist organizations, in an anti-war conference to be held here Thursday, April 19.

In an effort to agree with the feelings of the mass of undergraduates who have sneered in the past at violent demonstrations, it was stated last night by the committee in charge of the conference that no parades or disturbances will be attempted. Rumors that marches would be made through Boston streets were declared false and there will be no repetition of the attempt to distribute propaganda to guests of the University.

At present officers in charge of the conference hope to secure five speakers from five different groups to address the assembly. If present plans materialize, a Socialist, a Communist, a Pacifist, a League of Nations advocate and a "Big Navy" man will deliver speeches, each presenting the problem as viewed by the groups they represent.

During the same week colleges all over the country will be staging their own demonstrations against war and confer- ences to arouse interest in peace. If these conferences find favor in the public eye and seem to have accomplished their purpose it is planned to hold a monster peace conference later in the year at a place yet to be designated.

The club also decided to send a letter of protest to the President of Oberlin College, in Ohio, seat of the co-educational plan, in regard to his ban placed on the publication of "Progress," a journal sponsored by the Radical Club there. He objected to the magazine on the count that its general tone and methods were undesirable
