So far the Central Committee has fulfilled its purpose well in securing a cross section of students for the Houses. Now that the lop-sided condition of 1932-33 has been virtually cleared up, the present procedure of the Central Committee is proving complicated and expensive; the time has come for a simpler and less fastidious system. The energy that is being spent by the present Committee and the House Master is far out of proportion to the value of the end which they are trying to accomplish.
But any simple criterion that is reasonably independent of social and financial factors, for example the rank list, would insure as much of a cross section in each House as would be desirable. The present cross section has a strong tendency to be too artificial. Using the rank list would do away with the medley of red tape, choices, and club and pecuniary statistics that are an unmerciful burden on the shoulders of the House Masters and the Committee members. If no House took a greater proportion of students from one group on the list than from another, the other factors, social and financial, would take care of themselves. With little difficulty, additional provision could be made for students applying in groups.
The cross section has been stressed so far; but it is not the only thing worth considering. Slight variations in the personalities of the Houses would do no harm but would make it far easier to assign students the Houses they desire.
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