
Freshman Hoopmen To Play Powerful Crusader Quintet

Junior Varsity Meets Andover-Newton Theological School

Meeting a strong Holy Cross freshman five, the Harvard '37 basketball team will seek its eighth victory tonight in the New Indoor Athletic Building at 7.30 o'clock. The same lineup will start that started the Dartmouth game last Saturday, when, after a slow and evenly played first half, the Crimson cubs found themselves, and ran up a 35 to 29 victory. Ernest A. Gray, who tallied 16 points is counted on to add heavily to the Harvard score.

Following the Freshman encounter, the Harvard Junior Varsity will play the Andover-Newton Theological School quintet. HARVARD '37  HOLY CROSS '37 Stephenson, r.f.  r.f., Kuziora Moser, l.f.  l.f., Gavin Gray, c.  c., Monkevicz Field, r.g.  r.g., O'Neill Mason, l.g.  l.g., O'Donnell
