

Score Three Markers While Penalties Keep Three Opponents From Ice by 6-3 Margin

Three goals within one minute while three opponents were in the penalty box proved to be the decisive factor in carrying the Freshman hockey team to a 6-3 victory over the Greater Boston Interscholastic All-Star team.

This scoring spree came in the second period after the Interscholastic had tied the score at 2-2. With the exception of this one flurry, the game was even all the way through, with both sides playing a fine brand of hockey.

George Ford and Leo Ecker, the two stars from Belmont High, were up to their usual standard, each one accounting for two of the Crimson tallies. Carpenter was outstanding for the Interscholastics.

The summary: HARVARD  INTERSCHOLASTICS Carr, Callaway, Bellows, Ely, r.w.  l.w., Foster, Gomes, Collin, Rooney Ford, Burbank, Holcombe, c.  c., Derosier, Crawley, Roach Ecker, Pedrick, Ely, l.w.  r.w., DeCoste, Callahan, Swain Talbot, Choate, Bramhall, r.d.  l.d., Spartachino, Jamieson, Johnson Bilodeau, Lovering, Purdy, l.d.  r.d., Anderson, Carpenter, Buzzell Kidder, g.  g., Prescott

Score: Harvard 6, Interscholastics 3. Goals: First Period: Ford (Ecker) 7.37, Ecker 9.23; Rooney 14.32. Second Period: Swain (Foster) 0.30, Ford (Callaway) 5.25, Denny 5.40, Ecker 5.45. Third Period: Bilodeau 1.23, Derosier 5.03. Penalties: First Period: None. Second Period: DeRosier (tripping), Jamieson (broken stick), Carpenter (board checking). Third period: Anderson (handling puck), Ford (roughing). Referees: Mahoney and Kelliher. Time: Three 15m. periods.
