Although Harvard now gathers its students from all parts of the country, its relations with the schools which have sent their young graduates to Cambridge for many years remain intimate. Recently published figures on this year's freshman class show that Boston Latin and Roxbury Latin, which three centuries ago initiated an annual trek across the Charles, possess 113 and 12 representatives, respectively. Three other schools, whose associations with Harvard are relatively brief because they were established only a century or more ago, also sent goodly delegations: Phillips Exeter, 95; Phillips Andover, 51; and Milton Academy, 39. Americans who regard their country as a crude, vulgar place, devoid of civilized traditions, may be interested in these figures. They suggest a long procession of young men, following in the steps of their fathers and grandfathers.
The records also show that these old schools are well maintaining their reputations for high scholarship. Each of them placed more than a quarter of its delegation on the honor list in the admission examinations. Roxbury Latin fared the best proportionately, with six or 50 per cent of its twelve graduates winning distinction. Milton led the larger schools with fifteen honor entrants, or 38 per cent of its total of thirty-nine boys. A few of the younger preparatory schools did as well or almost as well. But the figures are evidence that New England's older schools are losing none of their influence at Cambridge, either in the quality or quantity of their manly product. --The Boston Herald.
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