
Members of Adams House Meet in Debate This Evening

Cahn and Loring Will Oppose Poor and Dennett in Debate

A debate between the members of Adams House will be held tonight in the Upper Common Room at 7.30 o'clock on the question, Resolved: that undergraduate political activity is a waste of time. The debate, which is to be in the form of a parliamentary discussion, will be led by Joshua B. Cahn '35 and William C. Loring '35 for the affirmative, and by Henry V. Poor '36 and Raymond Dennett '36 for the negative. Following the speeches of these men, the floor will be thrown open for discussion.

The debate, which is being conducted under the auspices of the Harvard University Debating Council, has been arranged by Charles B. Feibleman '36, Chairman of the Adams House Debating Club.
