
The Crimson Playgoer


With a cast including Jimmy Durante, Marjorie Rambeau, Lupe Velez and Mary Carlisle, one would expect "Palooka" to be a good picture, unfortunately, these experienced players are incapable of dragging it above the drippy level to which one of the most stupid stories on record reduces it. Just why on earth such an array of talent must be so thoroughly wasted certainly passes understanding.

The story has been yanked directly from the comic sheets and shows it; not only that, but it has also been diluted with Hollywood sentimentality. A poor farm boy goes to the big city, and becomes famous as a prize fighter. Whereupon he immediately starts to sow a large crop of wild oats with the expert help of Lupe Velez. But his old mother back on the farm hears about it, and, being well aware of the traps that these fast city girls may set for her boy, comes posthaste to save him from this awful fate. Yanked rather precipitately from the arms of Miss Velez and ignominiously knocked out in his next fight, our hero decides to return to the farm and marry Mary Carlisle and six gingham dresses.

The irrepressible Mr. Durante is the only thing that saves the picture and he fortunately appears with a welcome frequency. Mr. Durante, in fact, is the only member of a potentially able cast who refuses to be bogged down by the story. All the rest-simply act as if they knew it was lousy, and so why bother trying; "Palooka," accordingly, possesses just enough merit due to Durante's heroic efforts to make it worth seeing.
